Situated in the heart of West Yorkshire, Bradford is famous for its rich cultural heritage and history. Make sure you take a trip to the National Media Museum and Bradford Theatres on your visit.
The UNESCO world heritage site of Saltaire still delivers a living and working community long after its 19th century involvement in the Industrial Revolution. The Mill is now home to an extraordinary combination of restaurants, shops and David Hockney galleries. A visit to Leeds City Centre will introduce you to the The Royal Armouries, and the fabulous shopping experience at the Victoria Quarters and Trinity Shopping Centre. Close by is Haworth, which was once home to the Bronte sisters and was the inspiration for their novels including Jane Ayre and Wuthering Heights. For those who prefer indoor attractions, why not visit The Thackray and Colour Museums, Harewood House or National Mining Museum for England.
If it’s simply good food you’re craving, then crave no longer – Bradford is the ‘Curry Capital’ of the North! Choose from the many authentic Asian restaurants the city has to offer and discover its many diverse cultures.
To find out what more Bradford has to offer, see listings at Visit Bradford or Welcome to Yorkshire.